After the furniture and carpets are removed, the hardwood floor restoration process involves several steps.

Our Process.

  • Step 1: Prepare the floor and set up the equipment.

    This step includes inspecting the floor for any protruding nails and countersinking them. Nails that protrude can damage the equipment and score the sandpaper which can lead to lines on the floor.

  • Step 2: Removing the existing finish.

    The purpose of this step is to remove the old existing finish and reveal the raw wood. Two different machines are used in this process, the big belt sander and the edger.

  • Step 3: Vacuum.

    The floor is vacuumed to remove the sanding dust from the top of the floor or in between the boards.

  • Step 4: Spot fill the gaps in the floor.

    In order to enhance the look of the floor the gaps are filled with a color matching putty. If the floor has large gaps and a lot of movement (e.g. fir and pine floor) this step is skipped.

  • Step 5: Final sand with the belt sender and edger.

    This sand is done with fine grit sandpaper and is used to eliminate the sanding scratches from the previous sanding.

    5.1 If the floor is being stained, after the final sand an orbital is used along the perimeter of the room in order to diminish the edger lines.

  • Step 6: Buff the floor.

    A rotary buffer with an abrasive screen is used to blend the difference between the belt sander’s straight sanding marks and the edger’s circular marks.

  • Step 7: Vacuum.

    Same as step 3.

    Step 7.1 If the floor is being stained, the stain is applied now, using a white cloth.

  • Step 8: First coat.

    The first coat of oil base finish is applied with a roller.

  • Step 9: Buff the floor and then vacuum.

    After the first coat of finish, the floor is buffed and vacuumed.

  • Step 10: Second coat.

    The second coat of oil based finish is applied.

  • Step 11: For softwoods such as pine, fir and cedar

    The floor is buffed and vacuumed after the second coat of finish.

  • Step 12: For softwoods such as pine, fir and cedar

    A third coat of oil based finish is applied.